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One of the reasons that the girls change names, telephone numbers and twitter pages is that for want of business they have surrendered part of their earnings to an agency. We all know that the law in CDMX is that it is illegal to profit from the earnings of a prostitute and we know that there are 'listing sites' and clandestine agencies. I knew that I only had one pop in me and she seemed generally sad that I didn't want to go for another. She's more of a loud whisperer, which just add to the experience. Her BBBJ with DT is amazing and almost made me pop. She especially enjoyed DATY and very much enjoyed kissing. She did not stick out at all in the lobby, so people who are scared of setting up an incall visit to your hotel should not be worried.Īfter a quick solo shower, we had a great date. She's much prettier in person, both when we met in the lobby of my hotel and in bed. I communicated with her on Whatsapp and in person using Google Translate. I would recommend her wholeheartedly, even if you don't speak Spanish. She responded that while she doesn't work on Sundays, she would meet me if I was willing to pay an additional fee (1,800). Let you all know, booking someone on a Sunday is near impossible since most of the recommended options here either do not work on Sundays or only work on Sunday mornings.Īs a hail mary, I messaged LunaSB and asked if she was available.

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He offered multiple options that met my super tight scheduling requirements.

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